21 February 2017
The South Carolina Horsemen's Council presents the 2017 Horse Expo April 1st, 2017 from 10-4 PM. Bring the family! Stop by our booth and attend the presentation by our own Debi Metcalfe. Clinics by our friends and supporters Michael Lyons Horsemanship! There will be shopping, food and much more! Don't miss it. Support your local SC Horsemen's council by coming to this event!
You can donated toward our NetPosse Educational Outreach Program on our website here: https://netposse.com/fund.asp?fund=2
Webpage: http://www.schorsemenscouncil.org/2017-expo.html
SC Horsemen's Council on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/South-Carolina-Horsemens-Council-248248195244542/
Founder | debi@netposse.com