26 December 2013
There's Still Time to Give in 2013!
There's still time to make a tax-deductible donation that will mean the world to a horses like Pauly and Momo (right).
When these NC horses were reported to Stolen Horse International / NetPosse.com, they had been missing for nine days. Their owner had not been able to locate them. Then he heard about the work we do for missing horses, no matter how they disappear.
Despite the obvious passage of time, we took the report and happily started doing what we do best, distributing NePosse Alerts to thousands.
In just a short time the horses were located, thanks to our networking and NetPosse Alerts. Pauly and Momo’s owner, John Turchin, said about the quick recovery, “We have located our two missing horses, Momo and Pauly. Thank you so much for all of your help. The calls we got were directly due to your help and the results from your site. Thank you so much!”
Recoveries like Momo and Pauly are made possible by your donations. Please help us help more horses like them in 2014. Without your help, we will not be here to help more horses in need.
Estimate 2014 Important Program Funds Needed (Just to name a few)
Educational Fund: $8000
Newsletter: $504
Office Supplies: $2700
Internet/Computer upkeep $1800
Founder | debi@netposse.com