24 July 2012
Horse Identication: This instructional video was produced by the BVEH. This shows one vets way of inserting a microchip. Please note that some vets will shave a horse and some will not. Some vets will sedated a horse while many will not. All clean the injection site thoroughly.
Which chip frequency do you use.? In this video it recommends that you use the 134 Khz because USEF and some other breeds are requiring the new frequency by a certain date for the purpose of making sure the right horse gets into the right show class, mostly. (See this info after the video)
If you are not required to use this microchip you may want to consider using the US Standard microchip frequency, 125 Khz. Why? We are still in transition to the new microchip frequency and we are concerned that the many old universal scanners, which do not read the new 134 Khz microchip frequency, may be used when your animal needs it most for ID or in a disaster situation. An old universal scanner is used to read the new 134 Khz microchip will not pick up the presence of a microchip. The new universal scanners read both the 125 Khz and 134 Khz frequency. The old scanners do not read the new frequency.
One day in the future this transition to the new microchip system will be complete. When? We are not sure but until that time Stolen Horse International, Inc™ will give equine owners a choice. Check out the microchips in our NetPosse Store and purchase yours today.
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