Who could identify your horse in a herd of horses?

Who could identify your horse in a herd of horses?

24 January 2015


 Many horses look just alike or similar to another horse. If your horse were missing and ended up with a herd of other horses, how can someone make sure your horse belongs to you?

Make sure you have some kind of equine identification on your horse. Click here to learn more about the types of identification.

There is no one ID that is a cure all for every situation. Learn the pros and cons from the organization that reports the truth based on years of field experience.

If you have a question, click on the CONTACT US button above and send it to us!

Our Favorite ID

MicrodhipedpalominoDSCN7969.jpgWe'd love to see all horses have VIN numbers. The closest thing to a VIN number is a microchip. But even those are not equal today. We are still recommending that the US Standard 125 KHz frequency offers the best coverage while the USA is in transition to the newer International microchip.

There are few situations where you have to have an international microchip. One is if your breed organization requires it. The other is when you ship your horse out of the country.

Make sure you inquire about the frequency that is being put into your horse. If you use the newer microchip, many of the older scanners still in use in the United States will not read the frequency. But, if you use the US Standard microchip, all scanners, new and old, read the microchip.

Your choice! We have both frequencies in the NetPosse Store. Pick what suits you and do it youreself wit one of our kits. Even if you can't do it yourself you can get the kit and have your vet do it for you on the next vet call! Make sure they read the directions.

See our microchip kits and registrations here ranging from $19.99 and up. We have small animal microchips too!

All proceeds from our NetPosse Store support the mission work and educational programs at Stolen Horse International. 

Help us continue our victim's services that help this horse come home.

                                            We can't do what we do without you!


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Stolen Horse International provides news and other resources for free on this website. As a charitable organization we survive on the kindness of people like you. Please consider donating to help fund the organization or purchasing a NetPosse ID for your horse, dog or cat to help protect your beloved animals!
Donate  Buy NetPosse ID

Steve Schmitt


Contact Info.

PO Box 1341, Shelby, NC 28151

2025 501(c)(3) © Nonprofit Stolen Horse International, Inc and © NetPosse ™. All rights reserved. Never Underestimate The Power of One© | Bringing Horses Home™


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