ACTHA Donates 280,000 deterrents to horse theft

ACTHA Donates 280,000 deterrents to horse theft

25 November 2014

ACTHA encourages other businesses and organizations to follow

Austin, Texas, November 25, 2014 -  ACTHA released 280,000 names with geo specific zipactha_shi.jpg coding and longitudes and latitudes today to Stolen Horse International, aka Netposse, the foremost finders of stolen horses in the USA.

"This increases the outreach of netposse when issuing an alert about 7 fold" states debi metcalfe founder of NetPosse. "the fact that the records come with the capability to quickly sort by zip codes or regional circles starting at 25 miles and expanding outward from there is simply wonderful and we thank actha for this wonderful thanksgiving day present." 

"How could we not" states tom scrima general manager of actha. the epidemic of stolen horses in this country is unfathomable.  

Can you imagine going out to feed or to saddle up ole roy just to find him gone! of course your first thought is ...that rascal got out again! but after 10-15 minutes it hits you. he's gone!  

It is estimated this happens an incredible 40,000* times each year with many more missing through civil theft and disasters.  

We hope many, many horses are recovered by the use of this tool...all of us at actha know we'd be simply devastated to lose ours." 

All our companion associations are strongly encouraged to share what we have with debi...together we can stop this terrible crime. there is nothing more effective than having thousands of eyes looking for that missing horse in their area...nothing. together we can give debi millions of eyes

Call Debi at 704-484-2165 l PO box 1341 Shelby, NC 28151 and the thieves won't get very far! 

501(c)(3) Nonprofit Organization  |  © Stolen Horse International, inc. all rights reserved.  

*The estimation came from a study competed in the late 90's in the state of Texas. we do not have current numbers and are not sure if they are up or down. 

If you need information or need a microchip, please start with the nonprofit organization that paved the way for others to follow with our microchip your own horse microchip.



Stolen Horse International provides news and other resources for free on this website. As a charitable organization we survive on the kindness of people like you. Please consider donating to help fund the organization or purchasing a NetPosse ID for your horse, dog or cat to help protect your beloved animals!
Donate  Buy NetPosse ID

Katherine Smitherman


Contact Info.

PO Box 1341, Shelby, NC 28151

2024 501(c)(3) © Nonprofit Stolen Horse International, Inc and © NetPosse ™. All rights reserved. Never Underestimate The Power of One© | Bringing Horses Home™


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