14 August 2014
Thank you for join us for CHECK THE CHIP DAY!
Is your microchip information up-to-date? Has your address, phone number, or email changed?
The ability to reunite you with your pet or horse is only as good as the information in our NIP database. Have pets registered someplace else? Check your information.
Microchips greatly increase the chances that you’ll get your horse or pet back if he/she is lost or stolen…but a microchip only works if its registration information is accurate.
To remind owners to have their horses microchipped and to keep the registration information up-to-date, Stolen Horse International is supporting the AVMA and the American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA) in “Check the Chip Day.”
You can do it from home - the most important thing is to go online to the database for your pet or horse microchip, check the information to make sure it's up-to-date, and update it if needed
Helpful Tools
CHIP Day Specials! Available 8/14-8/14, 2014 Under Chip Day in our
NetPosse Store - Click here
Founder | debi@netposse.com