Filing a Report

Filing a Report

Filing a report requires that you have an account. If you do not have an account you need to make one. Click on FILE A REPORT in the top menu and then register an account.

If you already have an account you can login and then click on FILE A REPORT.

If you are filing a report about a Registry you have already submitted you may want to follow this guide instead.


To choose the type of report you wish to file you must tell us if you are the legal owner or not.


Click the relevant button beneath the type of report you wish to file to continue.


At this screen you will be allowed to add a new equine, animal or piece of equipment OR redeem a credit for a new free report OR file a report for an existing registry entry. If you have credits these will take precedence and must be redeemed instead of paying for a report.


Based on your selections you will then be able to configure additional features for your report, all of which are optional.

Once you are happy with your selections click CONFIRM and you will proceed to payment (if needed).



After successfully paying for your report you will likely be returned to the My Account screen at which time you should see a BIG RED warning box letting you know your report is incomplete, click the report number to continue. You can also go to the My Registry / Reports screen to continue.


if this is a free report you should be taken straight to the report, if not you can access your report to continue via the My Registry / Reports screen off the Account screen.



For now ignore the ORANGE box, if you click this it will mark your report as closed and you don't want that, as you just literally filed the report!

You do however want to pay attention to the red boxes. These indicate that there is missing information relating to the report, click the EDIT button to the right of Public Information and check that all of the information has been provided.

IF you see no RED warning boxes, then kudos to you for completing your report.

If you have images uploaded please go ahead and click the GENERATE FLYER button and your report will then be complete and automatically live on the SHI/NETPOSSE website.

If you fail to edit your report you will receive both an automated email and possibly a text message informing you that you need to login to complete your report.



Please fill in absolutely everything that you can and upload at least one picture. By default you can have two pictures on a report, and if necessary pay for the add-on to have additional pictures.

Once everything is filled in and you click UPDATE you will be taken back to the previous screen and your report is technically live, although we recommend you also click the GENERATE FLYER button so that a PDF and image flyer is automatically created.