Stolen Horse named Sheza Cool Scotch - Fort Worth, TX, 76131 | NetPosse ID #7920

Stolen Horse Near Fort Worth, TX, 76131

NetPosse ID #: 7920
Name: Sheza Cool Scotch
Species: Horse
Breed: Quarter Horse
Description: I placed my horse on Suspects property for temporary boarding while looking for a suitable place to board. I was allowed to put her in a small pen with mini goats and horses for free on the condition of feeding her myself. Pen was about a 60 by 60 square under a tree with no shelter. I kept all feed in my garage a mile away and went and fed her twice a day. After a big rain the small pen turned into knee deep mud. At that time Suspect and I agreed to turn her out on the 1 acre trap with her personal horses and trader horses. She then was on a free choice round bale. When it came time several days later for a new round bale I offered to purchase and she did not except stating she had already pre-purchased all of her hay to be delivered and would not accept money I offered both cash or check. Her twice a day feedings went from twice a day to only once a day and then every other day. I left town on Friday November the 6th and returned Sunday the 8th to a voice mail stating she had tried to contact me all week my horse was out of feed and she had sold her for a past due board bill. She had been there right at 3 weeks and had refused money everytime I had offered it to her. The horse was missing from the property on the 8th of November and shortly there after she moved. I have been unable to make contact with her since.We never had a agreement on paper only verbal only as we both knew it was temporary as she was a renter and the property was for sale. She stated many times I needed to sell my horse as I was "Wasting her by not riding her" She was a Halter filly only 2 yrs old and knees were not closed there was no need to ride her yet. She was imprinted from birth trained and shown halter as a yearling and left to grow her 2 year old year. She asked me to price her multiple times as she was getting nerved at all the passer buys that would stop to inquire about the beautiful yellow filly in the pasture. I explained she was not for sale and money could not buy her as I was well over $17k into her and she was irreplaceable being the last yellow filly out of a deceased WC Sire.
Area Last Seen: Fort Worth, TX, 76131
Date Stolen: 11/8/2009



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