Name: Cocoa Sun Freckles Species: Horse Breed: Quarter Horse Description: Stolen Horse International, Inc. aka - Missing Horse Alert - Hugo OK - 4 missing horses that were being looked after by a friend of the family escaped and now are missing. Please copy and paste and share on your page. Someone has seen these horses lets get them home where they belong. I was just made aware my horses were missing on 8/14/15. Horses were being looked after by a family friend and escaped pasture first of April 2015. The two grays and sorrel mares strayed to a residence west of Hugo and remained until three or four weeks ago when a truck and trailer pulled up, loaded them and left. The resident stated he alerted everyone about the missing horses (supposedly). But he mainly just wanted them gone from his property. The black mare has not been seen. Area Last Seen: Hugo, OK, 74743 Date Lost: 4/1/2015 Contact IMPORTED FROM OLD WEBSITE