Name: Buttercup Gender: Mare Species: Horse Breed: Buckskin Description: Line down back with a white spot in the line. Mane, a small part of the hair falls on the left side. She has tiger stripes on her legs and a small white dot on her forehead, and she is five years old, and a little heavy. PLEASE SHARE UPDATE. I THINK THEY MIGHT HAVE BEEN STOLEN. My two mares are still missing. We have looked all over the property, up and down roads haven't seen them since. On Wednesday evening, we filed a police report. They are our babies. My son and I have a special bond with each of our horses. Please keep sharing my horse, my son's horse, Buttercup. We have been looking for the last three days and will not quit until they are home. There is also a red horse pictured in the collage missing with Buttercup. Area Last Seen: Hugo, OK, 74743 Date Lost: 7/12/2023 Contact