Searching For Horse named Devils Diamond - Rice, TX, 75155 | NetPosse ID #5888

Searching For Horse Near Rice, TX, 75155

NetPosse ID #: 5888
Name: Devils Diamond
Gender: Filly
Species: Horse
Breed: Bay roan
Description: I purchased this filly from Kauffman kill pen. I arranged for a rescue I trusted in Texas to pick up the filly. I was later told the filly had died by the rescue owners. I asked for a lock of hair from her mane, tail, and kill pen tag. I never received them, and I never got any proof of death. After making a post about my two missing horses, I had a couple of people reach out and tell me that they saw the filly posted on Facebook for adoption by the rescue, which I could see because they blocked me. The filly has a diamond on her forehead and one white sock on her right hind leg. Devil's Diamond is also missing with another horse involved with this rescue. Check out SEARCHING FOR HORSE NAMED STORM - RICE , TX, 75155 | NETPOSSE ID #5887 on this website.
Area Last Seen: Rice, TX, 75155
Date Last Known: 2/26/2023 9:00:00 PM

