Searching For Horse named Gabby - Astor, FL, 32102 | NetPosse ID #3562

Searching For Horse Near Astor, FL, 32102

NetPosse ID #: 3562
Name: Gabby
Gender: Mare
Species: Horse
Breed: Quarter horse
Description: Gabby is now 6 years old she is a chestnut/chocolate color with a white blaze and a white hind ankle. She also has a crooked right front leg. I left Gabby with a woman while I was traveling. I called often and she suddenly quit answering my calls. I found that Gabby had been sold without my permission. The woman who sold her knew she was my horse and was not to be sold. It is believed that Gabby was sold in South Florida and then possibly to someone who owns a sheep ranch in Texas. I have been searching for her for 3 years. I raised her from a baby and I am not giving up. Have you seen her? Text or call me at 352-391-2332.
Please print this flyer from Gabby’s webpage and post it anywhere there are people and/or horses. Here is the link:
Area Last Seen: Astor, FL, 32102
Date Last Known: 6/20/2017

