Name: Blue Northern Girl Gender: Mare Species: Horse Breed: quarter horse Description: A friend moved my horses in an attempt to keep them from me. I have tried several times over the past several years to get them back, including hiring an attorney that wrote a letter of demand. He told them the attorney that I could go get my horses at any time. However, when I attempted to send a horse hauler to pick them up, they demanded money. I attempted to contact his friends where the horses were last known to be, I was told that he had picked them up from their home. Today I was near the area, which is 7 hours away from where I live and decided to ride by the home where they were last known to be. My horses were there. Now that I have confirmation that they are still alive and know their location, I am wanting to bring my babies home. I have had this mare since she was a yearling. I have been through more grief than I ever wanted to endure. I live in Louisiana and my horses are located in Texas. I called everyone from the sheriff's office to the brand commission and no one will help me. They say it is a civil matter. I attempted to hire an attorney in Texas but could not afford it. Please give me some assistance in bringing them home. I am afraid if they even find out that I filed this that they will move them from the property and/ hurt or sell them. I need any assistance and counseling as to what I can do. I have done everything I can do on my own with no success. Please help me!
Area Last Seen: Milsap, Tx, 76066 Date Lost: 7/1/2017 Contact