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This is a list of livestock brands registered in Indiana as of 2/28/2018.
The Indiana State Board of Animal Health registers livestock brands in Indiana.
A person owning livestock within Indiana may adopt a brand for his or her exclusive use in Indiana. IC 15-5-14-2.
Brands are registered by submitting a completed application for Livestock Brand Registration to the Board of Animal Health. Applications be obtained by:
Calling the Board of Animal Health at 317/544-2390;
Writing the Board of Animal Health, attention Licensing, 1202 East 38th Street, Discovery Hall, Suite 100; Indianapolis, IN 46205-2898.; or
View instructions for Livestock Brands application.
Livestock brands must meet the Board's design requirements (345 IAC 7-8-4) to be registered.
The Livestock Brand law (IC 15-2.1-14) and the livestock brand rule (345 IAC 7-8) governs ownership, transfer, and use of a brand.
For more information about the Board of Animal Health licenses contact the licensing division:
Call Board of Animal Health licensing at 317/544-2390 during BOAH's normal business hours (Monday - Friday, 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.).
Write the Board of Animal Health, attention Licensing, 1202 East 38th Street, Discovery Hall, Suite 100; Indianapolis, IN 46205-2898.
E-mail the Board of Animal Health, attention Licensing.