24 June 2016
We saw this Facebook comment this morning and it was a harsh reminder about how horses are stolen every week. We are so glad that Danielle Burkes horses were still safe and none were taken. Danielle said this about her discovery.
So last night someone attempted to break into our field, presumably to steal one/all of the horses. Never felt so worried and disappointed as I have today. Scared to leave the horses out now. The lock wasn't fully broken and all 3 horses we're fine so we are assuming someone disturbed the person during their attempt to steal the horses. This is presumably a targeted attack on one of my horses as there are field nearby with no lock on and horses in. If anyone has any information on anything similar happening in the area, please let us know. — in Wentworth - Rotherham, UK. by Danielle Burke
A large part of what we do at Stolen Horse International is education that helps you keep your horses as safe as possible. We have many helpful resources for all horse owners on www.netposse.com. We hope you will go to the site, click on the Service tab and then Resources. There you will find downloadable PDF articles like the following:
Unfortunately, it is impossible to make your property completely secure, but Stolen Horse International knows that some simple measures will improve security for your horse.
Founder | debi@netposse.com