MISSING EQUINE Areneceous , Basically a Dreamer, Skip-A-Bar-Trademark, Socks, Tully, Twister, Dial, Near unknown, SC, 00000

MISSING EQUINE Areneceous , Basically a Dreamer, Skip-A-Bar-Trademark, Socks, Tully, Twister, Dial, Near unknown, SC, 00000

The report with the number 935 does exist but the owner has not yet transferred the report to the new website. As a courtesy you can view a partial summary of the report below.

MISSING EQUINE Areneceous , Basically a Dreamer, Skip-A-Bar-Trademark, Socks, Tully, Twister, Dial, Near unknown, SC, 00000

NetPosse Report ID # : 935 (882)
Description : This is adoption fraud. A person adopted this horses using fraud in order to get them and sell them. We never allow our horses to be sold or transferred. She has been arrested on this and for falsifying or frauding people on selling these horses. The horses could have been sold on equine.com or dreamhorse.com and would have been in Landrum, SC or Blacksburg, SC when they were sold. For more info about this case contact owner from email address above. adopted by a person in Landrum, SC, she signed a contract that she will not move or sell the horse for the life of the horse and she may have moved him to Blacksburg, SC and then sold him on the internet or locally
Area Last Seen : unknown, SC, 00000
Date of Incident : 8/1/2003