MISSING EQUINE Captiva, Near unknown, IA, 00000

MISSING EQUINE Captiva, Near unknown, IA, 00000

The report with the number 867 does exist but the owner has not yet transferred the report to the new website. As a courtesy you can view a partial summary of the report below.

MISSING EQUINE Captiva, Near unknown, IA, 00000

NetPosse Report ID # : 867 (826)
Description : Horse was shipped from Oklahoma for a pending sale in Iowa. The sale fell thru due to tragedy in buyer's family. The agent in Iowa contacted the agent in OK, who told the Iowa agent to donate him. I was never contacted about this and haven't been able to locate the Iowa agent for information or the location of the horse. I still have his papers and I am the "legal" owner of the horse. If located, he is DNA typed through the AQHA... Iowa was where he was last known to be....
Area Last Seen : unknown, IA, 00000
Date of Incident : 6/1/2004