STOLEN EQUINE Buddy, Near Sadieville, KY, 40511

STOLEN EQUINE Buddy, Near Sadieville, KY, 40511

The report with the number 735 does exist but the owner has not yet transferred the report to the new website. As a courtesy you can view a partial summary of the report below.

STOLEN EQUINE Buddy, Near Sadieville, KY, 40511

NetPosse Report ID # : 735 (722)
Description : Unsure, the tenant at the farm may know something about this theft but isn't talking. He has been asked to leave. It appears someone just drove up to the farm and hauled him away while 15 other horses/donkeys were left in the field. He's very friendly and he loves attention. He has a habit of getting out if he really wants to. He's very smart and can often figure out how to open gates, and he's very nosy. He's bin in parades and houses and he's not afraid of anything. He is rideable and that's why its possible for him to have been sold as a child's pony.
Area Last Seen : Sadieville, KY, 40511
Date of Incident : 8/10/2003