MISSING EQUINE Booming Business, Near Normandy, TN, 37360
NetPosse Report ID # : 2019 (6738)
Description : Husband gave away wife's favorite horse to local man, because they are going through divorce. Man allegedly sold Biz to a horse trader for $250, but this is not nearly what the horse is worth. Husband is a vet in this county, so he could have hidden or given the horse away to someone local, or the horse trader story could be true. Wife/owner of Biz found out about the disposition of her horse a few weeks later and tried to find him but hasn't had any luck. Local police will not file report on incident until couple goes back to court for the divorce late in August. Court has specifically forbade husband of doing anything with wife's 3 other horses which are still at the marital residence.
Area Last Seen : Normandy, TN, 37360
Date of Incident : 6/20/2013