STOLEN EQUINE Aria, Near Winterset, IA, 50273

STOLEN EQUINE Aria, Near Winterset, IA, 50273

The report with the number 1922 does exist but the owner has not yet transferred the report to the new website. As a courtesy you can view a partial summary of the report below.

STOLEN EQUINE Aria, Near Winterset, IA, 50273

NetPosse Report ID # : 1922 (4367)
Description : Aria - big grey warmblood / thoroughbred mare - was born and raised on our farm. She and her brother stick together like glue. On the morning of Dec. 10, 2002, I went out to take care of the animals and found her brother very upset. Aria was missing.
Area Last Seen : Winterset, IA, 50273
Date of Incident : 12/10/2002