MISSING EQUINE Telly and Molly Near middletown , IN, 47356

MISSING EQUINE Telly and Molly Near middletown , IN, 47356

The report with the number 1582 does exist but the owner has not yet transferred the report to the new website. As a courtesy you can view a partial summary of the report below.

MISSING EQUINE Telly and Molly Near middletown , IN, 47356

NetPosse Report ID # : 1582 (2242)
Description : Horse and mule were left with friend while I was ill and she gave them away without informing me. I had worked in her barn for two years to cover their care in the event an illness happened. She did not contact me to tell me she got rid of them and said she has no clue where they went. Lost all their pictures in a flood.
Area Last Seen : middletown , IN, 47356
Date of Incident : 6/28/2006