MISSING EQUINE WF Lady Liberty, Near Columbus, GA, 31829

MISSING EQUINE WF Lady Liberty, Near Columbus, GA, 31829

The report with the number 1452 does exist but the owner has not yet transferred the report to the new website. As a courtesy you can view a partial summary of the report below.

MISSING EQUINE WF Lady Liberty, Near Columbus, GA, 31829

NetPosse Report ID # : 1452 (1904)
Description : Bay Quarab Mare missing in lease agreement. This mare left the farm on 06/15/2010 for a one year lease and has not been returned. It's been 3 months past the lease expiration. There was a tragedy at the barn where she is from, and unfortunately this has resulted in the paperwork being permanently destroyed. I am concerned because the folks who leased her have not contacted me in 15 months. They did have an insurance policy on her for $13,000. Again, I do not have copies of the paperwork. They were in Columbus, GA area. I am the registered owner and want to recover my mare.
Area Last Seen : Columbus, GA, 31829
Date of Incident : 6/19/2011