SEARCHING FOR HORSE Cherokee, Near Carlisle Springs, PA, 00000
NetPosse Report ID # : 1191 (1232)
Description : I had Cherokee with a trainer for 6 months for basic training. One day she had reared up and took off with me on her and would not stop until she was ready. At that point I thought my safety was an issue so I had the trainer sell her for me. Since that day she left I have not stop thinking about her. The trainer will not tell me who he used to sell her, he says she will kill me one day if I get her back?? I don't believe that now. I have more experience now and will have no rest until I at least know she is okay.
other_notes: I believe that the trainer used some auctioneer to sell her so I'm not sure who or where Cherokee went?
Area Last Seen : Carlisle Springs, PA, 00000
Date of Incident : 4/1/2003