SEARCHING FOR HORSE Snapple , Near Hudson Valley, NY, 00000
NetPosse Report ID # : 1161 (1191)
Description : I broke my ankle in 2001, and because of HUGE hospital bills, I fell behind on Snapple's board (At Bailiwick Ranch in Catskill, NY). I was notified by the farm's owner that if I didn't
pay him what was owed by Friday (3 days after the phone call), he was taking Snapple along with 4 other horses to the Unadilla Livestock Auction (Unadilla, NY). Alas, I couldn't pay him in time, and away she went. The farm owner never gave me her sale papers, though he "assured" me that she went to good people. Being that I only got $650 for her makes me terrified that she went to slaughter! Please help me find my baby!
Area Last Seen : Hudson Valley, NY, 00000
Date of Incident : 1/1/2001