SEARCHING HORSE HISTORY Paint Mare, Near Fraser, MI, 48026

SEARCHING HORSE HISTORY Paint Mare, Near Fraser, MI, 48026

The report with the number 1138 does exist but the owner has not yet transferred the report to the new website. As a courtesy you can view a partial summary of the report below.

SEARCHING HORSE HISTORY Paint Mare, Near Fraser, MI, 48026

NetPosse Report ID # : 1138 (1163)
Description : I currently own this horse and let me tell you she is an awesome little thing! She most definitely has a loving home. I am looking to find where she came from. She and her "brother" where our first horses and we thought we had a reputable person to purchase them from. No coggins or registration papers where sold. Again, she now has a loving home but I would like to find out her lineage for poss. breeding purposes as well as everyone should know where their roots are!
Area Last Seen : Fraser, MI, 48026
Date of Incident : 7/13/2006