SEARCHING FOR HORSE Moore Bar Bendie, Near Middleville, MI, 49333

SEARCHING FOR HORSE Moore Bar Bendie, Near Middleville, MI, 49333

The report with the number 1136 does exist but the owner has not yet transferred the report to the new website. As a courtesy you can view a partial summary of the report below.

SEARCHING FOR HORSE Moore Bar Bendie, Near Middleville, MI, 49333

NetPosse Report ID # : 1136 (1161)
Description : My parents sold him before I was old enough to buy him. Was sold to a man in Zeeland, then to a man in Middleville at the Camp Manitou Lin. Was then sold from there. I would love to know how he is and to give my information so that I have the opportunity to buy him back, will pay any reasonable price for him. I love him.
Area Last Seen : Middleville, MI, 49333
Date of Incident : 1/1/1998