SEARCHING FOR HORSE RBA Vanity`s Grace, Near unknown, KY, 00000

SEARCHING FOR HORSE RBA Vanity`s Grace, Near unknown, KY, 00000

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SEARCHING FOR HORSE RBA Vanity`s Grace, Near unknown, KY, 00000

NetPosse Report ID # : 1127 (1149)
Description : I gave this mare to some nice people in Oklahoma who wanted a horse for their daughters. They moved to Kentucky a year or so after I gave her to them and later they sold her to someone else. While they owned her they bred her to a QH and she had a chestnut colt, which they also sold to the same people. I would very much like to buy this mare back.
Area Last Seen : unknown, KY, 00000
Date of Incident : 1/27/2000