Stolen Horse named Kora - Sherman, TX, 75092 | NetPosse ID #8636

Stolen Horse Near Sherman, TX, 75092

REWARD $1,000.00

paid by owner for safe return to owner
NetPosse ID #: 8636
Name: Kora
Gender: Mare
Species: Horse
Breed: Thoroughbred
Description: Our horse, Kora, was taken from a locked stall in the barn, and the barn doors were closed, so she could not open and close them. Tire tracks up to the barn and stomp marks where they were loading her in the soft grass. She is a brown Thoroughbred Mare, approx 16 1/12 hands and 1200lbs, with a distinct white marking on her back right hoof. She also has a hard-to-distinguish tattoo on her upper lip. Also, we had four horses in total. She was the only four who weren’t a quarter horse. She is a thoroughbred jockey club horse and was the only one taken. Kora was taken from the OB Groner/FM 1417 area.
Area Last Seen: Sherman, TX, 75092
Date Stolen: 12/2/2024

