Searching For Horse named Bugs - Huntsville, MO, 65259 | NetPosse ID #8219

Searching For Horse Near Huntsville, MO, 65259

NetPosse ID #: 8219
Name: Bugs
Gender: Gelding
Species: Horse
Breed: Percheron
Description: Bugs - Registered Percheron name: JW Incredible
He is registered and microchipped. His microchip barn name might come back as “Chad”

In '22 life took us out & I became homeless and had to place Bugs in a new home. We did this under legal counsel contracts and guidance and the woman signing off under obligations and contract to give Bugs back if he couldn’t stay with her anymore. A year later she sent him to auction as grade w/o stating his medical conditions. We wish to find & bring him home or have a continued relationship with him!
Area Last Seen: Huntsville, MO, 65259
Date Last Known: 6/10/2024 6:50:00 AM

