Name: First Class Wrangler Species: Horse Breed: Quarter Horse Appendix Description: My horse Wrangler, went missing from the Kansas City, KS (Bell Crossing Dr. off of 38th and Leavenworth Rd.) area on Saturday, August 22, 2009.
He was a new horse, and the other animals chased him into a corner, and he broke the fence. My grandmother's older horse (Cheyenne) was also out. The next day my grandmother went to feed, saw that Wrangler was missing and went and looked for him. She saw Cheyenne and brought him home, but Wrangler was nowhere to be found. He is a new horse to the area and wouldn't know where to go and hide, once out. Normally horses stay together, but in this case he was separated from Cheyenne for some reason.
The property has been searched everyday for the past weeks with no signs of Wrangler. We called animal control and they said they didn't pick him up. We've been to the sales and he wasn't there. And I am so very upset that this happened while I m away at school. This year instead of bbqing, I will be spending my Labor Day weekend searching for my horse.
I suspect that someone has stolen him to race him on the tracks. My biggest fear is that they shoot him up with a bunch of (vitamins & steroids or sell him to slaughter. Area Last Seen: Kansas City, KS, 66104 Date Lost: 8/21/2009 Contact IMPORTED FROM OLD WEBSITE