Missing Horse named Wise Return - Danville, KY, 40330 | NetPosse ID #6686

Missing Horse Near Danville, KY, 40330

NetPosse ID #: 6686
Name: Wise Return
Species: Horse
Breed: Thoroughbred
Description: Allegedly the landowner instigated a chain of events and did not allow Sandra or her family access to her 16 horses for more than a month until she was finally able to get authorities assistance in removing them from his property. Per owners: We rented the horse facility and were conducting our equine business. There was NO boarding or facility manager or any other persons providing us any services.
On Dec. 22, 2008, we started loading our starved animals from a farm in which they were boarded in Kentucky (contact Sandra for more info) onto our trailers and after we counted the horses, we noticed that our daughter's two boys were gone. These were her top show horses and her best friends. She has had them for many years. This man (contact Sandra for more details) had 16 of our horses and he returned 13, one died of starvation.
Area Last Seen: Danville, KY, 40330
Date Lost: 12/22/2008



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