Stolen Horse named Infierno Ideal - Crown City, OH, 45623 | NetPosse ID #6384

Stolen Horse Near Crown City, OH, 45623

NetPosse ID #: 6384
Name: Infierno Ideal
Species: Horse
Breed: Paso Fino
Description: My house burnt to the ground on 9/7/06. I lived in my barn several weeks afraid that the person that burnt my house down might come back and burn my barn down with my horses in it. I fed around 7:30 p.m. on 9/25/06. That night I went to a friends house for one night. The next morning when I cam back to feed around 1:a.m. Infiernos stall door was busted to pieces and the chain that was on his gate was no where to be seen. Infierno is very laid back on the ground and according to his previous owner he would have never busted out of his stall or even left the barn yard if he had gotten out. There were only 4 people that even knew that I had Infierno. I had finally been fortunate enough to purchase him after 5 years of trying on July 28, 2006.
Area Last Seen: Crown City, OH, 45623
Date Stolen: 9/25/2006



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