Searching For Horse named Brillo (Brio) - Ward, SC, 29166 | NetPosse ID #6289

Searching For Horse Near Ward, SC, 29166

NetPosse ID #: 6289
Name: Brillo (Brio)
Gender: Gelding
Species: Horse
Breed: Kyger Mustang mix
Description: The ex-partner of my daughter Sara Filler has been withholding the horse for over a year as she has followed legal, due process to regain him. She was awarded Brillo in a jury trial in January of 2023 and again in the circuit court of Appeals. The Saluda Co. SC sheriff's department escorted me to the ex's property in Ward, SC, to pick up the horse in January and July. He refused to hand over the horse, stating he didn't know where he was and later stated he was missing. Brillo is a beloved horse and pair bonded with his best gelding friend. We do not know where he is, but we are deeply concerned for his safety and health, as he had double pneumonia while under his care. We believe he may be in the Charleston/Hollywood area of SC, near Saluda County, SC, or Northeastern GA but we have no solid evidence.
Area Last Seen: Ward, SC, 29166
Date Last Known: 1/27/2023

