Missing Horse named Regaliz del Rieno - Windsor, SC, 29856 | NetPosse ID #6101

Missing Horse Near Windsor, SC, 29856

NetPosse ID #: 6101
Name: Regaliz del Rieno
Gender: Colt
Species: Horse
Breed: Paso Fino
Description: Regaliz del Reino, 13-month-old Paso Fino colt, standing 13h. Aqua halter and pink/turquoise leadline attached when ran away after his 2 yo "buddy" that tends to bully him smashed thru the stall door around a corner, and surprised and charged after us as we were going through a gate. I had to let go but then caught 2yo with feed, and after I contained him in his pasture, the other one, running around along a heavily wooded property line, disappeared (the farm is 50 acres). Only side is not fenced., mostly heavily wooded to Oak Ridge Club Rd.
State Park Road, Windsor, SC.
I hadnt registered/microchipped him yet, but his parents' DNA is on record.
He is usually personable in hand, but like most pasos, initially wary of strangers.
Area Last Seen: Windsor, SC, 29856
Date Lost: 5/31/2023

