Stolen Horse named Freyja & Valkyrie - Dike, TX, 75437 | NetPosse ID #5784

Stolen Horse Near Dike, TX, 75437

NetPosse ID #: 5784
Name: Freyja & Valkyrie
Gender: Mare
Species: Horse
Breed: Paint
Description: Three horses. One black mare 17 years old and two palomino paints mares 2 1/2 years. Last seen in Dike, Texas. Looks like the fence was messed with and there was also tire tracks. Looks like someone backed a trailer up and loaded them. I’ve own the black mare for 17 YEARS she is my child. I just want her back. I want the other two back but as long as I get my girl back I don’t even care. She is my soulmate my best friend I love her as I do my children. My kids will tell anyone that is their big sister. I haven’t even told them she gone. Please bring her back. **** update**** I haven’t heard anything yet about them. I just want to thank everyone for everything y’all are doing for my babies. I’m so grateful. The sheriff has been out to the property along with the cattle ranchers association. They have pictures of the tire tracks going up to the gate and any other evidence that was out there. They are talking to neighbors around the area. They have also sent out the pictures and descriptions I sent them out into a statewide database so they will be found if they to through a sell. I’ve called rescues around my area. I don’t know what else to do. there are a few places that people have been sending me to call and I’m working on those call as fast as possible. I’m just going through the emotions and I’m getting a little overwhelmed. I will try my best to get back with messaging everyone. And I appreciate everyone of y’all
Hopkins County Sheriff Department Case # 23-01-38
Area Last Seen: Dike, TX, 75437
Date Stolen: 1/20/2023

