Searching For Horse named Danny - Muskogee, OK, 74403 | NetPosse ID #5119

Searching For Horse Near Muskogee, OK, 74403

NetPosse ID #: 5119
Name: Danny
Gender: Gelding
Species: Horse
Breed: Quarter Horse
Description: Yes, we know this is a very old case. Yes, we know that Danny would be 37 in 2022. But horses are living longer and perhaps he is still out there somewhere. If not, I would just love to know what happened to him. I've never stopped missing him or wondering what happened.
My horse Danny was my 12th birthday present that I got him as a yearling. HE was my best friend!! I took him to college with me during my first semester of college. I had to board him. I was set up and they had it planned. Danny and another 4 year old mare were the only out-of-state horses in the barn that were stolen. It was an inside job. I have never found him!
Area Last Seen: Muskogee, OK, 74403
Date Last Known: 4/7/1992IMPORTED FROM OLD WEBSITE

