Searching For Horse named Mini Cooper - Valley Center, CA, 92082 | NetPosse ID #5062

Searching For Horse Near Valley Center, CA, 92082

NetPosse ID #: 5062
Name: Mini Cooper
Gender: Gelding
Species: Horse
Breed: Pony
Description: 10/16/24 UPDATE FROM COOPER’S OWNERS - Rebuttal to recent comments on this page by the man (SCI Team is Scott Copeland International) that stole our horse:

We prevailed as Cooper’s owners at the civil hearing for Case #37-2022-00010689 on 11/03/23, and again at the appeals hearings on 03/06/24. The first judge issued a conditional judgment that gave Scott Copeland 30 days to return Cooper to us or pay us a judgment of $7,768.00 ($5,000 for Cooper, $2,000 for Defamation/Harassment, and $768 for other damages & fees). At the appeals hearing the judge issued a lengthy answer to her ruling that in short stated she had no faith that Scott Copeland would return Cooper and as such entered a financial judgement of $7,370 (same breakdown as above but different calculation for the fees and damages portion). We will post both judgements in the files for anyone interested in reading. Scott Copeland submitted a redacted Bill of Sale for Cooper to the judge on 03/06/24 and refused to disclose Cooper’s location (the initials of “NC” were the only evidence remaining on the redacted copy). Scott Copeland stated at his criminal trial that the family he sold Cooper to in 2022 had a “three-year-old son.” He stated in civil court on 03/06/24 that a trainer at Newmarket Farms located San Diego, CA assisted with the sale. The DA and Sheriffs Department followed up on that lead and it was a dead end. He is now stating publicly that Cooper lives in Los Angeles, CA and spends summers in Aspen, CO. We have no verification of fact on that. We are still regularly attending Scott Copeland’s criminal probation hearings that have arisen from this case (SCN433771-Felony witness intimidation; CN453660-Misdemeanor CPO violation of same witness). He is now a One Strike Felon for criminally intimidating the key witness to our ownership of Cooper. He later disobeyed the judge’s order and filmed the victim of SCN433771 in violation of the CPO issued, which he pled guilty to and received a sentence of 90 days in jail. He was lucky that the judge in CN453660 only gave him 90 days given the 365-day stay in place as part of his SCN433771 felony sentencing.

HOWEVER, despite TWO JUDGES ruling that we are Cooper’s legal owners, the District Attorney’s office acknowledging that we are Cooper’s owners and that Scott Copeland stole him from us, and an ACTIVE police report with the San Diego Sheriff’s Department listing Cooper as STOLEN PROPERTY, this man continues to lie about the facts and threaten Netposse with lawsuits if they don’t remove any reference to “stolen” in this matter. He did pay us the judgment with interest, but only after we filed a Debtor’s Judgment Hearing and subpoenaed the Bill of Sale for Cooper along with numerous financial documents. He is currently on two separate probations arising from illegally selling Cooper and must be law abiding in all respects. If not, the 365-day stay could be implemented, and he would have to serve a year in jail. Sadly, despite all of this, the legal system cannot force him to disclose Cooper’s location and so we continue the search….

7/10/24 SCI Team to Debi Metcalfe

Good morning and thank you for getting back to me, I opted to keep To protect him from their potential abuse… He is in a very happy home and since I cared for him for five years, his future matters to me. It’s over and done with. The fact that I suffered on your website through their exaggerations and lies before the judge had a chance to decide is upsetting. Please remove my name so I do not have a reason for another defamation lawsuit… Thank you, Scott. The whole situation is being successfully appealed because of their lies, and the pony is safe, and I am not asking anybody to advertise the potential future until it has been achieved. The whole group of them are troublemakers that are now being exposed, and their harassment trying to affect my business is being addressed. They have dodged being served by a defamation lawsuit and at 8:30. I am meeting with the judge about it… You run an effective service and I personally would appreciate if you would do your due diligence and check the facts Now that you’ve seen what aggressive troublemaking liars are capable of.

7/9/24 - SCI Team to Debi Metcalfe by email

Hi, it’s Scott Copeland and I am finally at the end of this pony debacle. There has been a settlement and the pony is not missing or stolen as they keep claiming on your website… They are also partners with the Wests in the valley Center rodeo. The felony intimidation charge is being successfully appealed because of lies under oath, and I am meeting a judge in court tomorrow because they are refusing service for a defamation lawsuit I am bringing against them. I have proof of the settlement where the small claims judge gave me the choice of returning the pony or not, and paying them instead, which I have chosen to. Their exaggerations are despicable, and in the transcripts it says my actions are not punitive… There are pictures in the stolen pony post from your website attaching to my Google business still trying to affect my A+ and five stars. An article came out in the valley newspaper where Dr. Matt Matthews refuses to work for the rodeo that is run by the Wagner‘s and the Wests because of massive abuse to animals They point out, strapping a lactating horse and using it for bucking. The article came out today and you can find it on Facebook. These people have put me through hell and they are bad people and finally I am getting retribution… Please please please stop validating them thank you Samuel Scott Copeland.

CASE UPDATE 4/15/24 FROM THE OWNER: Samuel "Scott" Copeland (aka Scott Copeland) is currently in jail for violating the No Contact Criminal Protective Order issued for the Key Witness to the theft of Cooper (and the victim named in the Felony Witness Intimidation charge for which he was found guilty of on 09/20/23). We strongly believe this was a further attempt to stop her from testifying at the civil appeals hearing that Scott Copeland filed to challenge the Judge's order to return Cooper to us.

As a result of the CPO violation, an arrest warrant was issued for Samuel "Scott" Copeland on 04/03/24 and he was booked into jail on 04/10/24. He is currently not eligible for bail. We will be attending all hearings.
We are sharing this information because Scott Copeland has lied to many people and even posted on this page that we are fabricating this whole story. There are a few women that defend him on this page that have stated that he couldn't have done what we have alleged because he "would be in jail if he had." Well, unfortunately for Scott Copeland, he only has himself to blame for his current incarceration.

5/10/24 COOPER THE STOLEN PONY POST - Cooper the Stolen Pony
WE WON THE APPEALS CASE - we have AGAIN been deemed Cooper's legal owners! We've included the Judgement Brief in this post (public document posted on the ROA for Case #37-2022-00010689) so you can read from the Judge's perspective what happened in this case. As you will read, WE HAVE BEEN 100% TRUTHFUL. Conversely, Scott Copeland has been shown to be deceptive and maliciously engaged in the theft of our horse.
He submitted the "Bill of Sale" for Cooper that he entered into with "a family with a three-year boy" in February 2022 for $5,000; however, he whited out the name & address of those people. We are desperately looking for the people that have Cooper - there is an active theft report standing with the San Diego Sheriff's Department and whoever has Cooper is in possession of stolen property.
TO THE PERSON(S) THAT HAVE COOPER: Do the right thing and contact us immediately. We will work with you as we know you are victims too; however, Cooper is our horse and was not for sale. If someone stole your horse, you would want the same done for you. If you don't feel comfortable contacting us, please contact the Valley Center Sheriff's Substation at (760) 751-4400 and ask to speak to the Detective assigned to Case #22115489. Scott Copeland was arrested on 4/12/22 for Felony Grand Theft of Livestock (PC 487a) and Felony Witness Intimidation (PC 136.1). He was found guilty of the latter charge and just spent 29 days in jail for violating the terms of his probation. Scott Copeland is a great deceiver and has left a wake of victims in his path. We are sorry that you have been conned by this man but we desperately want to know where our horse is!

5/8/24 - Cooper the Stolen Pony
UPDATE: After 29 days in jail at the Vista Dentention Center, Scott Copeland pled Guilty today to 3 criminal acts: Felony Probation Violation, Contempt of Court-Disobeying a Court Order (PC 166.a.4), and Violating the CPO (PC 166.c.1) issued to protect the Wagners. He committed these crimes less than two weeks prior to Madelyn’s testimony at the appeals case for Cooper, thus engaging once again in witness intimidation. He stated clearly and intelligently today that he was willingly admitting guilt to all three criminal charges. Sentencing will be in 30 days.
Scott Copeland was released from jail as a result of his guilty pleas. Incarceration is clearly effective at drawing out the truth from criminals.
Ironically, we were alerted today that the judge in the appeals case for Cooper issued her judgement. We are anxiously awaiting the posting of that judgement and will share those findings with you once posted.

- Mr. Copeland refused to return Cooper to us in 2021 when we ended the Feed Lease we had with him for Cooper;
- Mr. Copeland then took egregious actions against our Key Witness to the Feed Lease (she actually originated and facilitated the Feed Lease between us and Scott Copeland), including withholding rent from her family for 18 months, resulting in a financial loss of over $23,000 in rental income:
- Scott Copeland was found guilty of Felony Witness Intimidation by a jury on 09/20/23. He was sentenced to two years probation with a 364-day stay, as well as a No Contact CPO to stay 100 yards away from the victim in that case;
- the Small Claims judge ordered Cooper returned to us on 11/03/23;
- Scott Copeland appealed the Small Claims judgement and the appeals case was heard on 03/06/24:
- the judge at the appeals case took the matter under submission and we are currently waiting on that judgement.

Scott Copeland not only used Cooper in his talent business, Scott Copeland Talent International, but testified that people that he has connections to through that business facilitated the sale of Cooper.

If you know ANYTHING about where Cooper is, contact us at 760-533-4898 or the San Diego Sheriff's Department and reference case #22115489.
San Diego Sheriff's Department Who Is In Jail: (this link will only work while he is incarcerated and his formal name of Samuel Scott Copeland must be entered).

Mini "Cooper" was a 21-year-old, flashy, 12.1 hand, pinto pony gelding with two knobby knees when last seen in Valley Center, CA in March 2022.

WHAT HAPPENED TO MINI COOPER --> The man we leased Cooper to was arrested on 4/12/22 in Valley Center, CA for Felony Grand Theft of our horse Mini Cooper ("Cooper") & Felony Witness Intimidation towards the key witness to our civil case. We need the public's help locating Cooper as this man refuses to disclose Cooper's location. Case #22115489.


* 11/15/23 - Cooper the Stolen Pony says on their Facebook page the following:
On 11/06/2023, a San Diego County Superior Judge ruled that we are in fact the legal owners of Cooper and ordered the man to return him to us (Case #37-2022-00010689). The judge also ordered him to pay $2,000 for defamation & harassment against Trina West; in part, for lies told about Cooper’s ownership.
The man swore under oath during his felony witness intimidation trial that Cooper is currently with a “family with a three-year-old” that he met through the California Horsetrader ad, which he placed in their “Horses For Sale” section. He later stated under oath that he “leased” Cooper for $5,OOO to the family that responded to the ad. He stated under oath that “forever home means lease” and that he has the lease document to prove it. He did not provide the court with any proof of that “lease” claim. If you have Cooper, or know who does have Cooper, please contact us ASAP as he is reported as stolen property with the San Diego County Sheriff’s Department. We are sensitive to the fact that the family that has Cooper may be victims too.

* 11/6/23 - Cooper the Stolen Pony says on their Facebook page the following: THE MAN WAS SENTENCED! Sentencing was today and the judge upheld the Felony “Strike.” He has to attend “Anti-Theft Counseling” as a condition of his probation.

* 11/3/23 Cooper the Stolen Pony says on their Facebook page the following: WE WON IN CIVIL COURT! The Judge ordered the man to return Cooper to Trina & Jay West within 30 days AND to pay a $2,000 fine for defamation and harassment to Trina!

* On September 20, 2023, the man that stole our horse (Defendant) was found guilty by a jury on the charge of Felony Witness Intimidation (Case #CN433771) towards the key witness in the civil case we had filed against him to get Cooper back. The victim in that case had initiated and facilitated the Feed Lease for Cooper as she was a mutual friend of ours and the Defendant. He stated that if she testified to the Feed Lease at our civil case, that he would stop paying her rent (she was also his landlord) and he followed through with that threat for 16 months! The Defendant was ordered to pay her over $21,000 in restitution at his sentencing hearing. At the hearing, the Defendant stated on direct examination that he had Cooper, was providing him with a forever home, and could never be parted from him. However, on cross-examination the Prosecution got the Horsetrader Ad admitted (despite an earlier ruling by the judge to not allow it in) and the Defendant was forced to admit the truth -> he did get $5,000 for Cooper from a "family with a three-year-old" that he met through the Horsetrader ad. The Prosecutor was excellent and exposed numerous lies which ultimately led to his conviction of Felony Witness Intimidation, which is a "strike" offense. The Prosecutor pointed out the obvious, which was he would have no reason to threaten and harm the key witness to the Feed Lease if there had never been a Feed Lease. His actions pointed to the truth and the jury saw through the lies. We purchase the trial transcript which provided us with the sidebar conversation that led to the admittance of the Horsetrader ad. During the sidebar, Defense objected to its admittance given he had assured his client that it would not be admitted and was concerned about what he would say on cross. The judge allowed it in for cross based on testimony provided during direct. Unfortunately, Prosecution was not able to get the Defendant to disclose Cooper's exact location. In fact, several questions later, the Defendant tried to back-peddle with the Prosecutor and stated that he "leased" Cooper (now 22 years old) for the $5,000 - that it was not a sale. He stated that the words "forever home" in the ad means "lease."

* On November 3, 2023, our civil case was finally heard (Case #37-2022-00010689). It was delayed over a year and a half due to the criminal charges against the Defendant. At the civil hearing, the Defendant was ordered to return Cooper to us. The Defendant continued his claim that somebody "leased" Cooper from him for $5,000 but no evidence of that was provided to the court. Again, the Defendant did not disclose Cooper's location. Additionally, the Defendant was order to pay me $2,000 for Defamation and Harassment. Part of the Defamation arose over false claims the Defendant made publicly about his ownership of Cooper. If the Defendant does not return Cooper, he must pay us $5,000. We believe the claim about a "lease" is a lie as nobody "leases" a 22-year-old pony for $5,000. In fact, the judge reprimanded him for that assertion right before he awarded Cooper to us.

* The Grand Theft of Livestock charge has not been dismissed by the District Attorney's office; however, formal charges have not been made and we do not wish to explain in fear it will hurt the chance for a future charge. Cooper has been reported as stolen with the San Diego County Sheriff's Department as Case #22115489.

* The man who stole Cooper listed him for sale in the February 2022 edition of the California Horsetrader for $5,000. This man was NOT the legal owner of Cooper and had no authority to sell him.

* On 6/6/21, we ended the Feed Lease we had had with this man since July 2016. He refused to return Cooper and claimed in writing that he could never part with Cooper due to his personal relationship with him, his god-daughter's relationship with Cooper, and the "special bond" between Cooper and his gelding.

* We then consulted with an Equine Attorney and learned we risked the courts awarding a monetary value for Cooper instead of ordering his return. We did not want to risk that so we began searching for other options to legally reclaim our horse.

* On 3/11/22 we were informed by the agent we had assigned to oversee Cooper's care during the Feed Lease (our close friend and also a friend, neighbor & landlord of the man who had Cooper) that Cooper was missing.

* We reported the theft of Cooper to the authorities and eventually an arrest was made, including two felony charges. Unfortunately, the man refused to disclose to the authorities where Cooper is so we NEED YOUR HELP!

* We absolutely believe that whomever has Cooper likely knew nothing about the theft and is a victim of this man as well. We will work with whomever has Cooper to seek full financial restitution from the man that illegally sold our horse.
Area Last Seen: Valley Center, CA, 92082
Date Last Known: 3/11/2022

