Searching For Horse named FF Yellow (Flex) - Mexico, MO, 65265 | NetPosse ID #4939

Searching For Horse Near Mexico, MO, 65265

NetPosse ID #: 4939
Name: FF Yellow (Flex)
Gender: Gelding
Species: Horse
Breed: Quarter Horse
Description: �'�Looking for him�'�

�"�Update: I was informed he was last seen in Mexico, Missouri & sold by a horse trader to someone without his papers�"�

So this is probably a long shot but I’m trying to track down the new owners of this sweet guy. I sold him about 2.5-3 yrs ago & the lady I sold him to kept in touch with me. Then she supposedly sold him about a month or 2 ago due to going through a divorce & has ghosted me & didnt give any info on where he went or who he went to. Her ex-husband was kind enough to contact me though and said he was sold through a 3rd party, & that the ex wife went through a woman in the Rush Springs, Oklahoma area to sell him. He was sold without his papers (he’s registered AQHA with ranching bloodlines), but thankfully he can still be identified by his brands. I just wanna make sure he’s safe & loved. I’ve sold horses before but this gentle guy was definitely special to me. He’s AQHA registered palomino gelding, he has an H fire brand on his left shoulder & a 3 fire brand on his left butt cheek, also has a very faint hard to see 7 fire brand on left hip. He’ll be 18 this yr, & his registered name is FF Yellow, but I called him “Flex”. Please if you’ve seen him, you know who owns him now, or where he is please reach out to me. 1-405-320-1614
I just want to know he’s ok & happy. �'�
Area Last Seen: Mexico, MO, 65265
Date Last Known: 11/1/2021

