Searching For Horse named Cappy - Hinckley , OH, 44233 | NetPosse ID #4916

Searching For Horse Near Hinckley , OH, 44233

NetPosse ID #: 4916
Name: Cappy
Gender: Gelding
Species: Horse
Breed: OTTB
Description: We made the hard decision to step out of horse ownership. In an effort to keep Cappy active and keep him close by, we donated him to a nearby training facility (Hinckley, OH) where the trainer said he would be a perfect fit as a lesson horse. We signed a contract with rights of first refusal. Not even two months later we came across his sale ad. There was little to no communication from the trainer. She ignored questions directly pertaining to Cappy. We found out that he was shipped out (we were told to Pennsylvania) beginning of November. We were never given the opportunity to say goodbye. We just want to make sure he is safe and being loved.
Area Last Seen: Hinckley , OH, 44233
Date Last Known: 10/14/2021
