Searching For Horse named Dreamer - Hopkins, MI, 49328 | NetPosse ID #4915

Searching For Horse Near Hopkins, MI, 49328

NetPosse ID #: 4915
Name: Dreamer
Gender: Mare
Species: Horse
Breed: Palomino
Description: My horse Dreamer was sold under false pretenses in May 2021. I was told she would be kept as a "personal horse" for the buyer and if he was to sell I would be given first opportunity. 2 days later I contacted the buyer asking if I could purchase her back. He agreed and gave me a price. Buyer stopped responding, then months later taunted me and led me on a wild goose chase to find her. Was told she was sold to someone in KY which we later uncovered was a setup. The issue escalated to larceny when I provided a $500 deposit to buy her back and never heard from him again. I care deeply about this mare. I only sold her because she is fairly young (8 years old) and the buyer insisted I was doing her a disservice to let her sit in the pasture. Dreamer and I went through so much together in her short lifetime. She came to me at the age of 4 years old completely emaciated and near death. Against the odds I was able to bring her back to health and she made a full recovery minus some scarring which is seen on her left rear and upper leg (see photo). The only thing I have ever asked of the buyer was to let me know where she was at so I can be assured she is safe- he refused to do even that. That is ALL I am asking. I want to know she is alive and well. Please help me locate Dreamer so my heart can heal
Area Last Seen: Hopkins, MI, 49328
Date Last Known: 5/30/2021

