Name: Moonseeker Gender: Mare Species: Horse Breed: Tennessee Walker Cross Description: A family member wanted a horse to ride and my mare was getting bullied by the other horses, I told this person that if any issues arise and to not take her anywhere or sell her and to call me and I will take her back and pay whatever amount she spent on feed. Verbal agreement witnessed by others. This person took her out to a trainer knowing she couldn't pay this trainer. Contacted the trainer asking if they still had Moon and this trainer blocked me and deleted the post with Moon. Have you seen Moon?
9/15/21: Carolyn Burns says, "I lent my mare out to family and they sent her off to someone else and I have been looking for her since January 2018 she went off to someone in Oct 2017 she's 20 this year." Area Last Seen: Salem, MO, 65560 Date Last Known: 10/18/2017 Contact IMPORTED FROM OLD WEBSITE
9/15/2021 11:08:00 AM
Updated today.