Searching For Horse named Captain (Hancock's Wolf Command) - Felton , Pa, 17322 | NetPosse ID #4013

Searching For Horse Near Felton , Pa, 17322

NetPosse ID #: 4013
Name: Captain (Hancock's Wolf Command)
Gender: Male gelding
Species: Horse
Breed: Paint and quarter horse
Description: Captain would be about 21 now. He was a horse I had for 5 years and sold in 2006. He was my first horse. We were supossed to be notified if buyer didn't want him anymore. We were not and he was traded out from under us by owner to a trainer in Felton, PA and sold somewhere between Pottstown and Philadelphia Pa but info was not given to me. He has since been sold again after his previous owners passed away. New owners location and his is unknown. My main goal is to make sure his end of life is a pleasant one and be here at the end if he needs me.
Area Last Seen: Felton , Pa, 17322
Date Last Known: 2/18/2021

