History For Horse named Ichabod Crane - Hastings, MN, 55033 | NetPosse ID #3997

Historical Search Horse Near Hastings, MN, 55033

NetPosse ID #: 3997
Name: Ichabod Crane
Gender: Gelding
Species: Horse
Breed: American Paint Horse
Description: Ichabod is a (maybe) 15 year old paint gelding I purchased 6 years ago from a woman in Minnesota Lake. She said she had gotten him recently before I purchased him from an auction house, but I don't remember the name. Im wondering where he came from before that.

Hes pretty recognizable, but some non visual things: he has a small knick in his left ear, he sticks his tongue out when he drinks water, and he has some seasonal allergies to some plants. Im wondering on maybe finding what stock he came from, and what age he actually is. If he's secretly papered I'd be pretty excited to learn about his lineage!
Area: Hastings, MN, 55033
Date Last Purchased: 11/15/2015

