Missing Horse named Big Color Ollie - Saint Paris, OH, 43072 | NetPosse ID #3989

Missing Horse Near Saint Paris, OH, 43072

NetPosse ID #: 3989
Name: Big Color Ollie
Gender: Gelding
Species: Horse
Breed: American paint horse
Description: Sorrel paint has a white marking on the back leg socking . He was boarded at a boarder's went to get him and bring him home, but found out he was sold without my permission. I do not know where he is now. I wish for him to be returned home safe and sound

2023: I am still looking for a paint gelding he would be about 18 now I want to know where he is. He is a registered paint horse he has a solid white face and brown eyes anyone has any information, please message me. He should be around the Ohio area was his last known location he responds to Ollie his registration name is big color, Ollie. 9378693740 is a number you can reach. I will pick him up anywhere he is he was my heart horse and the last gift from my grandfather
Area Last Seen: Saint Paris, OH, 43072
Date Lost: 3/12/2019

