Searching For Horse named Shorty - Pottstown, PA, 19468 | NetPosse ID #3968

Searching For Horse Near Pottstown, PA, 19468

NetPosse ID #: 3968
Name: Shorty
Gender: Mare
Species: Horse
Breed: Appaloosa
Description: Shorty was given to me before my father passed away in 2019. She is a registered Appaloosa, however I do not remember her registered name. My “stepmother” sold her to a horse dealer near Pottstown, PA , after I asked my stepmother to buy her and she told me no! Two days after she told me I was not allowed to buy her, I went to my dads house to take care of her like I always did, and she was gone! Shorty was the last link I had with my dad, so much so while he was in hospice, he made me promise to not let anything happen to his saddle and my stepmom won’t even give me it. I’ve never had a bond with a horse like I did Shorty. I dream about her and my dad all the time. The day that the horse dealer took the horses, I went straight to his barn, within a few hours of him picking the horses up, and I pleaded and begged with him to let me buy her back. I know for a fact he only bought her for $700. I was told no, I already have a deposit on her. I said tell me who bought her and I will speak with the person. He said no. I am desperately begging for help to find her. I’m hoping she is still inPa, and has not been run thru New Holland, or at least that’s what I think.
Area Last Seen: Pottstown, PA, 19468
Date Last Known: 6/30/2020

