Name: Secret peach's n cream Gender: Mare Species: Horse Breed: Tennessee Walker Description: I was searching for a family with children to rehome my 2 mares that I've had since birth, they would now be 20 years old, but were in excellent health and beautiful and gentle. I let them go to a home with a man and woman, and their children, to give a couple of weeks trial, and they were to only be returned to me if he could not keep them or it didn’t work out, they run numerous false ads on Craigslist wanting a couple of horses for his wife and children, even using a down syndrome child in his ads to give a forever home to spoil and love, mostly run these ads in Michigan, Ohio, Indiana. They use a their business for a front, also they come to your farm as a family and pull up with a trailer that they never mention bringing in our 3 conversations before arriving. They spent some time at the barn, asking all the right questions as if this was their first time owning horses. I was promised pics as soon as they were unloaded in their new stalls, but never received them. The next day I was feeling very uneasy, I was sent a couple of text responses then nothing, then finding out the address to the business in Ann Arbor did not exist, even though I googled it before he left with my girls, 3 days later he was found on Facebook, with a picture of a trailer and my horses in it, captioned 'last load of beef horses heading to the feed lot. 'I called police in Hillsdale county and they would not help me at all. Channel 3 news aired my story on December 6th ,2016. I had him stopped through social media for a couple months, and he filed a Personal Protection Order against me to leave him alone. I had a hearing set finally after 15 months for Friday April 13th, but he had it postponed claiming he was in the hospital. Please, If you have seen me horses, I need to know where they are! Area Last Seen: Ceresco, MI, 49033 Date Lost: 11/20/2016 Contact IMPORTED FROM OLD WEBSITE