29 November 2012
NetPosse.com News Alert: Two horses shot in Indiana ... on Nov. 28, 2012, two horses were shot on private property in Anderson, Indiana. Sadly, one horse is deceased and the other in critical condition. Authorities are asking people to come forward with any information. To help with the cost of vet bills, on Sunday, December 2, 2012, there will be Horses and Motorcycle Charity Ride. Please contact Dee Roudebush at (765) 623-7786 or through her Facebook account for more info or questions. News article: http://heraldbulletin.com/crime/x1951908358/Police-investigate-shooting-of-two-horses ... Dee's Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dee.roudebush
The Herald Bulletin
November 28, 2012
Police investigate shooting of two horses
ANDERSON, Ind. — Animal control officers are investigating the shooting of two horses at 3:15 p.m. Wednesday in the 1500 block of West 60th Street, said Anderson Police Department spokesman Joel Sandefur.
One horse is dead and the other was in critical condition, Sandefur said.
Both horses were taken from owner Jack Stone’s home to the Purdue University animal sciences division, where an autopsy will be done on the dead horse. Detectives found .40-caliber shotgun shells at the scene.
Horses and Motorcycles Charity Ride to help with vet bills of the 2 horses shot in Anderson Indiana.
Date of ride is Sunday 12/2/12
Registration is at 10:30am
Moonsville Conservation Club
3447 E 600 N
Anderson, IN 46012
Madison County
$10 to ride
$2 for chili
$1 for drinks
Contact Dee Roudebush at (765) 623-7786 for more info or questions.
Stolen Horse International, Inc., a nonprofit organization based in North Carolina, is most commonly known as NetPosse.com. Founded in 1998 after the theft and recovery of Idaho, a spotted racking horse mare, owned by Harold and Debi Metcalfe, this all-volunteer network has labored diligently for more than a decade to develop programs, products, seminars and the like, all in an effort to educate the horse community and equine industry about horse theft while assisting thousands of stolen horse victims. While the organization focuses on theft prevention and recovery, its mission has expanded since its formation to include missing horses (those escaping or lost in a civil dispute); searching for previously owned horses (or horse history); stolen tack, trailers and equipment, found horses; and any animals missing during a natural disaster, to, most recently, all stolen livestock and farm implements. Furthermore, NetPosse.com extends its services to those whose horses have been the victims of criminal acts such as shootings, stabbings, and tail cuttings.
ABOVE LEFT: NetPosse.com will accept a FREE Criminal Acts listings for reported crimes against horses such as this Horse tail theft reported in Arapahoe County ... http://www.9news.com/news/article/291836/188/Horse-tail-theft-reported-in-Arapahoe-County ...
NetPosse.com accomplishes all that it does without the support of a paid staff while operating on a shoestring budget. There is no other organization of its kind doing what NetPosse does for horses, but in order to continue these tremendous efforts, it needs the support of the horse community through volunteers, product sales, donations, and fund raising. Many horse owners do not believe it will ever happen to them, yet those volunteers at the helm of NetPossecom can attest that it can happen to anyone. We do what we do day in and day out because we have “been there done that,” and we truly care. Please support NetPosse.com however you can as you never know when you might just need these invaluable services, and we want to be there for you! (Most reports do require a minimum, one-time small fee, but Free reports are available for found equines, animals missing/found in natural disasters, and Criminal Acts as long as requirements are met).
posted by Angela Kirby, NetPosse Executive Coordinator, Nov. 29, 2012
Founder | debi@netposse.com