NETPOSSE MAILBOX: How To Trace A Horse Brand

NETPOSSE MAILBOX: How To Trace A Horse Brand


NETPOSSE MAILBOX: Both the hot brand and the freeze brand are on of the best tools used by horse owners to help visually identify their horses. Most brands are different and unique to the owner of the brand. 

Brands can be recorded in each state via the livetock department's agriculture department. Some states known as brand states are more evolved than the majority of the states. 

When you register your brand with the state the location of the brand on the animal, symbols on the brand, the owner of the brand, and more are recorded as legal records of ownership of the brand. 

Does this mean that all brands are registered? Unfortunately, not. Many brands are not registered at all. This and the fact that there is no national brand registry, other than the NetPosse ID Registry, contributes to the downfall of such a great visual ID ending up being one of the worst tracebacks to an owner in many situations. 


Now we are brought to our mailbox question and we are looking forward to hearing your suggestions and thoughts. 

You buy a horse. It has a brand on it. How do you trace that brand back to a previous owner?

This week's question comes from a person who wants to know where her horse came from and if it is possible it could have been stolen.

Is it possible to trace a brand? If so, how? Are all brands registered? If so, where?

Tell us what you think in the comment section at the bottom of this webpage. 

And, did you know that you can register your horse and all of their ID in our NetPosse ID database? We have the only all-equine ID record-keeping database. Check it out in our NetPosse Store. It's on sale now.
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Check out our NetPosse All Equine ID Registry
in the NetPosse Store.



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