


Debi Metcalfe
- President
Harold Metcalfe - Vice President
Jennifer Wick - Reports Manager

Board Members

Sally Suttle
Connie Dedmon
Teresa Shackelford

Law Enforcement Board of Advisors

Dwight Sloan - Animal Crimes Investigator, Retired
Monica Gase - Detective, Retired
Robert Jordon - Livestock Theft Investigator, Retired      
David Spears - Sheriff Deputy, Livestock Officer, Retired
Jay Gregory - Sheriff and Investigator, Retired

Stolen Horse International provides news and other resources for free on this website. As a charitable organization we survive on the kindness of people like you. Please consider donating to help fund the organization or purchasing a NetPosse ID for your horse, dog or cat to help protect your beloved animals!
Donate  Buy NetPosse ID