Missing Horse named Lucy - Anderson, CA, 96007 | NetPosse ID #8065

Missing Horse Near Anderson, CA, 96007

NetPosse ID #: 8065
Name: Lucy
Gender: Mare
Species: Horse
Breed: Quarter Horse
Description: Lucy is a 18 year-old Mare 15’ to 15’2” very stocky. Paint mare with brown-yellowish markings. She is very sweet kind white marked face. Comes to Lucy. The horse was sold at the Madera B & B auction on December 3, 2023. She was tag number 914. sold as a 13 year old paint mare for $75. She is dearly loved. reward for her return. She loves carrots and loves attention. She was lamed. Her fight hoof was club and the farrier that had her maimed that foot;.
Area Last Seen: Anderson, CA, 96007
Date Lost: 12/3/2023

